benefits of living in student housing in summer
Students enjoy staying the summer in their student housing

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Do I stay or do I go? A question many college students ask at the end of the school year. Do they stay the summer, keep their dorm or off campus apartment or do they go home for the summer. Some students have enjoyed their college stay and would love to continue on, others are missing home and looking forward to a familiar environment. Here is a list of pros and cons to help in making the decision about student housing for summer.

Stay At School

1-It’s summer and that means you can enjoy all the summertime fun things to do in your college community. These may be new activities not available during the school year, or just activities that you didn’t have time to do while working so hard at school. Many college campuses are located in beautiful areas with lots of outdoor activities available. A smaller group of students may make it ideal to meet new people and not get lost in the crowds.

2-You’ve been on your own now for 9 months of so. It’s going to be a change to go back to living at home. Some student’s struggle with losing their new found independence even for a few weeks.  So basically one advantage if no parents to nag you.

3-You get to keep your student housing arrangements so no need to move twice. This also will eliminate having to repay security deposits or utility deposits. Often summer rent rates are very inexpensive. You can take advantage of the cheap rent to save up or have a little more fun money.

4-You get to keep your job. Often in college towns jobs are hard to come by during the school year but are plentiful for the summer. You’ll probably find you have ample opportunities to get lots of hours. You can take advantage of the summer job market to help you save up for tuition or pay down some student debt.

5-You can take advantage of the amenities offered at your student housing complex that you may not have utilized much during the school year. It’s great to have access to a pool, a gym, etc.

6-You can take summer classes. These classes often have smaller enrollment and you may get a more personalized experience.

Head For Home

1-Home cooked meals. Probably the number one thing many students miss the most is mom’s home cooking. Definitely one advantage to going home for the summer.

2-No rent. Summer rents are usually cheap but nothing beats the rates at mom and dad’s.

3-Seeing family and friends. You’ve probably made a whole community of new friends, roommates etc. but it is nice to reconnect with the old high school and neighborhood friends, and of course spend some quality time with mom, dad, siblings  too.

4-Avoid the ghost town. Some college campuses become pretty sparse on students for summer. Your dorm or apartment may be only minimally occupied. So going home may help you avoid some lonely days.

5-If you had a job before leaving for college, they may welcome you back for summer. It’s a great way for an employer to have extra summer help that’s already familiar and trained.

There’s no right or wrong choice when it comes to going home for summer. Every student will have to evaluate what is best for them personally, financially, socially and educationally.

At Dixie Cove Student Housing near Utah Tech University we welcome summer students. Summer rent rates are very reasonable. We have a beautiful pool and are right across the street from all the campus amenities. If you choose to live at these off campus apartments you will find a myriad of fun outdoor adventures waiting for you here in St George, Utah. This is an affordable, convenient student housing complex for both school year and summer.