Which of these best describes your last study session?

effective study habits of university students
College students all learn differently

Finals are coming! In dorms, student housing and off campus apartments it’s a beehive of activity this time of year and can be stressful for many college students. Long days and nights working on term papers, projects and studying for tests define university campuses everywhere. Most students probably have spent time studying in each of the above ways. Though there’s not a perfect way for everyone to best prepare, here are suggestions for effective study time.

Plan and Prepare

Pick A Place

People Or Private

Prevent Procrastination


Effective study is so important don’t leave it to chance, make a plan! What should you plan?

Plan what you are going to work on. Make each study session have a specific goal or plan. For example, set to goal to complete a certain part of a writing assignment, or read so many pages, or memorize so many facts. When you meet your goal-celebrate and reward yourself.

Plan for breaks in your study. Don’t try to cram it all into one time frame. Give your body and your brain a little time to rest. Take a quick walk, go shoot a few hoops, get up and do something different for even a few minutes. You’ll come back refreshed and and more focused.

Plan to complete your most difficult homework first. Get it out of the way while your brain is fresh and sharp. It’s always nice and motivating to complete the hardest assignment first.

Plan for what you need. Effective study means being organized. Make sure you have all the books and supplies available. Do you have pens, pencils, highlighters, a calculator. Maybe even plan some snacks to keep you going. If you have to stop and find what you need it takes away from your focus.


Location, location, location. Where you study is the key to effective study and success. Choose a place where you are comfortable. This could be your bedroom, the library or a study hall, or while outside on a grassy lawn. Choose a place with a conducive atmosphere, such as, somewhere with proper lighting,  a place out of high traffic areas, and a quiet space where you are free from distractions.

Speaking of distractions, try to minimize them. Set your phone aside, better yet, turn it off so you are not tempted to be constantly checking social media and emails. You wouldn’t want someone walking in and interrupting you every 30 seconds, don’t let people electronically interrupt you. What about that chatty roommate who is always interrupting you? You may enjoy their company but draw some boundaries for study time.

Some people actually study better when listening to music, but a TV on in the background will probably be distracting. Be aware of things that will keep you from a focused, effective study session and find the place that works well for you. Make that place a part of your plan.


Study groups can be a very effective method. Many university settings encourage this type of cooperative learning. You’ve heard it said that “Two heads are better than one.” Studying together has several advantages, for example, helping you with a concept that you are struggling to understand. Group sessions can help motivate you and commit you to a specific time frame for study.

Often you can complete assignments quicker as you work together. Many students find that having to teach someone else actually helps reinforce that same concept in their own minds. Using teamwork to solve a problem is also an important real world skill in today’s work environment. So get some practice by working together with friends. It will be fun and beneficial in many circumstances.

Personal study is also critical. There are many instances where you just have to rely on your own brain power to struggle through your classes. Try to keep it fresh by adding a little variety. Maybe use a new color or pen, or go outside to study on a beautiful sunny day. Give yourself rewards along the way. Get to a certain point in your homework, treat yourself to an ice cream. Your will learn better when it’s fun and exciting even if you are studying alone.


We’ve all done it. Left that dreaded assignment until the last minute and it just makes us miserable. Procrastination causes us to rush, make more mistakes and definitely increases stress. So here’s some simple ideas to avoid procrastinating those important school projects. Make some goals and include a deadline, then stick to it.

Break big assignments into smaller pieces and then tackle them one at a time. Be accountable to someone else, for example, ask your roommate to check with you on your goals and deadlines. You’ll be more likely to get it done if you know someone will be asking you about your progress.

Reward yourself for even small successes. Most of all just do it! It’s not going to go away so just get it done and out of the way.

In summary, try incorporating some of these ideas into your prep for finals week. Hopefully you’ll find a little more planning can make your study more effective study and a less stressful experience.

Dixie Cove Apartments in St George near Utah Tech University provides a quiet, convenient off campus apartments . Large private or shared rooms can provide a comfortable atmosphere. If outside studying works for you, you can sit by the pool as you study. We have large common area that can easily accommodate groups of students working together. This is a great student housing complex to consider for your education at Utah Tech.